Why Do I Need a Divorce Lawyer?

You need a divorce lawyer when minor children are involved, your spouse is represented by an attorney, or there are any unusual issues involved, such as high asset or debt cases, retirement accounts, pensions, multiple properties and so on.

The issue of self-representation is wrapped up in all sorts of social and philosophical considerations with the end result that people wind up in court with no idea of what to do or say. If they are lucky they will have a judge and his or her staff to help corral the information needed and produce an order that will help society along. But in most cases judges will simply not put up with nonsense and end the hearing without resolution often telling the self-represented party to get a lawyer.

The right to represent oneself is rooted in the English common law. In the United States it has taken on libertarian overtones and the more recent distrust of institutions and government. The irony of the situation is that even as people are less competent around legal matters they believe their constitutional rights endows them with greater capacity in legal matters.

Contact the Hughes Law office at 770-933-0780.


Divorce fee Structure is Key